Charlie Chaplin on Self-Love
Hey there champions! I want to share something beautiful with you today. The way we think and feel about ourselves affects the way we...

The mindset of a champion!
HI there! Lots of research has been done around winners, world champions and success storytellers. Do you know what was the one thing...

30 Quotes to help you when life gets hard!
There are days that are not particularly joyful and happy. Sometimes, life gets hard, problems appear and you may find it difficult to...

23+1 ways to say Thanks. Expressing Gratitude made easy.
I’ve seen people changing their lives just when they started showing how thankful they were to others. Feeling grateful for what we have...

Things I learnt in Fiji about #Happiness
If you ask people what their ultimate goal in life is, they will tell you with confidence ‘To be happy”. But when you ask them what...